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Код товара: 19085311
Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender (Blu-ray) #1

Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender (Blu-ray)

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Картонный бокс + Keep case
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Freddie Mercury was one of the most charismatic, complex and fascinating characters in British rock music. The story of Queen is a well known one but this new film focuses on Freddie Mercury and the solo projects he worked on outside of Queen. Using extensive archive footage of interviews with Freddie Mercury, concerts, video shoots and personal material, much of it previously unseen, along with new interviews with friends and colleagues, a portrait emerges of a man who was very different to his flamboyant onstage public persona. Freddie Mercury touched the lives of millions through his career both with Queen and as a solo performer and this new programme will delight and inform his legions of fans.
Тип носителя
Картонный бокс + Keep case
Количество носителей, шт.
Тип видеоматериала
Документальный фильм
Концерн "Группа Союз"
Eagle Rock Entertainment
Freddie Mercury
Тип звука
PCM Stereo
Формат изображения
1080i High Definition 16:9
Количество слоев
BD-50 (2 слоя)
Жанр кино:
Документальные фильмы//Биографии, Концерты. Мюзиклы. Видеоклипы//Зарубежный рок
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


  • 1. Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender

    Год выпуска: 2012, Длительность, минуты: 107, Возрастные рекомендации: 16+, Страна: Испания

    Аннотация: Freddie Mercury was one of the most charismatic, complex and fascinating characters in British rock music. The story of Queen is a well known one but this new film focuses on Freddie Mercury and the solo projects he worked on outside of Queen. Using extensive archive footage of interviews with Freddie Mercury, concerts, video shoots and personal material, much of it previously unseen, along with new interviews with friends and colleagues, a portrait emerges of a man who was very different to his flamboyant onstage public persona. Freddie Mercury touched the lives of millions through his career both with Queen and as a solo performer and this new programme will delight and inform his legions of fans.

Звук DVD

  • Язык: Английский


  • Freddie Mercury Актер
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