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Vintage Collage-Works: Artful Ideas with Antique Ephemera | Koch Sunny, Koch Maryjo #1

Vintage Collage-Works: Artful Ideas with Antique Ephemera | Koch Sunny, Koch Maryjo

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978-1592533909, 1592533906
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О книге

Inspiring collection for artists interested in collage. Mother and daughter artists Maryjo and Sunny Koch have compiled an inspiring portfolio of their collage-works in this new volume for artists and
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Inspiring collection for artists interested in collage.
Mother and daughter artists Maryjo and Sunny Koch have compiled an inspiring portfolio of their collage-works in this new volume for artists and hobbyists entitled Vintage Collage-Works: Artful Ideas with Antique Ephemera. Employing basic collage techniques, these artists have created a wide range of distinctive collage projects using antique documents, vintage boxes and glassware, handmade papers, and ephemera of all kinds.
Both women are noted artists and teachers who bring their unique sensibilities to these easy yet sophisticated projects. In their new book, they show how ordinary vintage collectibles such as postcards, letters, prints, and photographs, can be transformed into stunning works of art by following just a few step-by-step techniques. By combining this vintage ephemera with readily available clip art, special papers, objects from nature, and sewing notions (such as buttons and ribbons), they create dozens of finished collage projects that can then by framed or used to make unique note cards, gift tags, or journals to share with family and friends.
This is an inspirational how-to book for any artist or hobbyist interested in collage, no matter what their level of expertise in the medium.
978-1592533909, 1592533906
Год выпуска
Koch Sunny, Koch Maryjo
Quarry Books
Язык издания
Автор на обложке
Maryjo Koch, Sunny Koch
Количество страниц
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
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  • Koch Sunny Автор
  • Koch Maryjo Автор


  • Quarry Books Издательство
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