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Код товара: 2551302
To Punish and Protect : Against a System That Coddles Criminals #1

To Punish and Protect : Against a System That Coddles Criminals

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Книга на иностранном языке

О книге

Book Description Deemed "the avenging angel of American justice" (Chris Matthews, Hardball), Jeanine Pirro, the famed Westchester County district attorney, presents hard truths about a justice system
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Book Description

Deemed "the avenging angel of American justice" (Chris Matthews, Hardball), Jeanine Pirro, the famed Westchester County district attorney, presents hard truths about a justice system that she believes coddles criminals at the expense of innocent victims. Taking readers inside her daily battles on behalf of victims -- from the adolescent girl forced to assume wifely duties after her father murdered her stepmother to a hardworking man shot over a parking place -- District Attorney Pirro delivers a bold indictment of the criminal justice system and lays bare the ways in which parents, communities, and the system share complicity in fostering a dangerous environment for our citizens.

With the blunt courage of a woman who has spent her entire career working in a male-dominated world, Pirro demonstrates determination and compassion that will inspire anyone who has ever been a victim -- or a victim's loved one.

Finally, To Punish and Protect includes updated appendixesto help you and your loved ones make smart decisions about safety.

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Количество страниц
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Автор на обложке
Jeanine Pirro
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях
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