Код товара: 317328852
This Island Earth: NASA SP-250 #1

This Island Earth: NASA SP-250

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This Island Earth: NASA SP-250
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Nicks Oran W. (ред.)
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О книге

This book was inspired by the words of Apollo astronauts Borman, Lovell, and Anders, who saw and described the Earth as a planet at Christmastime, 1968. Their eyewitness accounts impressed millions of
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This book was inspired by the words of Apollo astronauts Borman, Lovell, and Anders, who saw and described the Earth as a planet at Christmastime, 1968. Their eyewitness accounts impressed millions of men with the true reality of our situation: the oneness of mankind on this island Earth, as it floats eternally in the silent sea of space. An extention of this experience is offered by this volume. It is an attempt to project the true perspective of our island and our existence on it, by presenting photographs of Earth taken from space, primarily by Apollo spacecraft. Although many of the photographs and much of the information here have scientific significance, the book was written to share with all men a major benefit of our nation's space program--a sobering realization of man's place in the universe.
This Island Earth: NASA SP-250
Год выпуска
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Автор на обложке
Nicks Oran W. (ред.)
Количество страниц
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